A Step By Step Guide To Therapeutic Ways To Relieve Stress

step by step guide to therapeutic ways to relieve stress

Is stress getting to you and making you feel frustrated and irritable? You aren’t alone in your recovery journey to a stable mental state. From minor to significant challenges, stress might come to you at a certain point. It might be difficult to control the circumstances, but there are expert therapeutic ways to relieve stress that can make you take control of the circumstances. When stress becomes chronic or overwhelming, it might negatively impact your well-being; that’s why it’s essential to have effective ways to relieve stress and calm your body and mind. Here are tips to follow;

● Avoid Unhealthy Habits

Some people intend to deal with stress by drinking too much alcohol or caffeine, smoking, overeating, or using illegal substances. These tend to be unhealthy habits which can harm your health instead. Try your best to limit using these avenues to deal with stress as they can increase stress or evolve into other concerns.

● Minimize Phone Usage And Screen Time

With rapidly evolving technology, electronic devices, i.e. phones, tablets, computers, etc., are only available to some people. Although these devices are essential, using them constantly can increase stress levels and negatively affect sleep schedules, leading to stress.

● Meditate

While meditating, you focus your attention and quiet the stream of jumbled thoughts that have crowded your mind causing stress. Meditation helps instill a sense of peace, calm, and balance that can benefit your emotional well-being and overall health.

You can opt for a therapy session for guided meditation, imagery, visualization and other forms of meditation for effectiveness. From getting out for a walk to riding the bus to work or waiting at the doctor’s office, you can try deep breathing from wherever you are.

● Spend Some Time Doing A Hobby

What is it that you find enticing to do? Spending time doing what you like would help whether it’s playing golf, creating artwork, musical instruments, learning gardening or other new skills.

● Practice Self-Care

Some time aside for a self-care routine will help you reduce stress. Self-care activities include walking outside, taking a bath, lighting candles, reading a good book, exercising, preparing a healthy meal, and stretching before bed. These activities will reduce your stress and improve your overall health.

● Connect With Friends And Family

Your instinct will always tell you to isolate yourself whenever you’re stressed and irritable. Instead of isolation, reach out to family and friends for social connections. Social contact helps relieve stress because you’ll get distractions and support to jumpstart you to tolerate life’s ups and downs. You can achieve this by taking a coffee break with a friend, getting in touch with your relatives, or visiting your place of worship. If you’ve got enough time, you can participate in volunteering for a charitable group to help yourself while helping others.

● Get Enough Sleep

Stress can cause you trouble getting healthy and getting enough sleep. When you have too much on your plate, you tend to think a lot about it, making it hard for you to fall asleep. Sleep is the best time when your brain and body recharge. Therefore your quality and amount of sleep can affect your concentration, energy level, mood, and overall functioning. If you have sleep troubles, ensure that you have a quiet space, listen to soothing music, put your clocks away, have a relaxing bedtime routine and stick to a consistent schedule.


If stress tends to be challenging your ability to cope or self-care measures just aren’t getting you out of stress, consider looking for reinforcements in the form of individual therapy or counseling to guide you through therapeutic ways to relieve stress. The same also applies whenever you feel trapped or overwhelmed. If you worry excessively, have trouble carrying out daily routines or meeting responsibilities at home, work, or school, our professional therapists and counselors can help you identify sources of your stress and learn and adapt to coping mechanisms.