Exploring Different Therapy Approaches

Exploring Different Therapy Approaches

Engaging in therapy to get relief from disordered thinking is a big step worth engaging in so that you can heal past traumas, get relief from anxiety, and gain tools to help you better manage your mental health. Sometimes, traditional approaches to therapy reach a point where an alternative approach is needed to get past a block.

EMDR therapy in Philadelphia focuses on healing through visual stimulation and mental examination. Mindfulness makes you more aware of what you’re experiencing at the moment without taking action. Hypnotherapy helps you get into a deeply relaxed state that makes it easier to take suggestions about changes in your behavior. These and other types of therapies can help you cope with the stresses of daily life without the extra burden of anxiety and depression.


EMDR therapy, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, is a technique that involves tracking a specific movement with your eyes while examining a traumatic memory. The theory behind EMDR is one of getting the mind to heal the mental wound that’s been created by the trauma and experience less stress going forward.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness help you with self-reflection and stopping reactionary behavior. Mindfulness is the act of disengaging from yourself when confronted with a trigger or stressful situation. In contrast, meditation requires physical relaxation, stillness, and reviewing your actions to figure out why you reacted in a certain way. Both are excellent for those seeking anxiety therapy in Philadelphia.

Exercise and Yoga

Many types of disordered thinking generate physical energy that needs to be released to regain a sense of normalcy and feel relaxed. Both exercise and yoga help you release that energy and allow you to enter into a relaxed state for the time being. Engaging in either activity regularly helps you maintain your equilibrium and supports the work you’re doing to improve your mental health.

It’s best to talk to your practitioner about the type of exercise that’s best for you. Yoga offers a slow release, while different forms of exercise provide releases at different speeds. You may benefit from a slow release, but not get satisfaction from a fast release, and vice versa.


Hypnotherapy, or hypnosis, helps you reach a state of relaxation and calmness that’s difficult to achieve on your own. You reach this state with the help of your therapist and then listen to their suggestions to engage in different thought processes related to a specific scenario. Being in a state of deep relaxation lets you drop your guard and be in a receptive state of mind. In turn, you’re more likely to accept the suggestions and put them into action.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

The diaphragm is a muscle that’s located under your lungs and helps your lungs work more effectively. Taking deep breaths that push down on the diaphragm helps it work better, but it also lowers your blood pressure and heart rate, two things that become elevated during a period of stress. Lowering these metrics helps you relax and reduce the effects of a panic attack, trigger, and other inputs that constrict your circulatory system.

Gain the Tools You Need to Live a Healthy Life

Your life experiences shape who you are as a person, but some of them cause you to think, act, and react in abnormal ways. At the Truth Center for Health & Healing, we’re here to show you that it’s possible to live a life without these stresses and help you change how you view the world through a different lens. Contact us today to learn more about our services and get started on the road to wellness.
Discover the different therapy approaches.